Health Empowerment Tour

Health Empowerment Tour 2019

North Charleston tour stop: Fresh Future Farm 
Saturday, November 9, 2019 from 10 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
2008 Success Street, North Charleston, SC 29405

Theme: “Mind. Body. Spirit. Because I’m Worth It.”

Featured speakers: Germaine Jenkins and Glenn Ellis

Topic: Dissecting Food Labels

To register visit: Opens a new window

Health studies consistently reveal minority women are more likely to suffer from chronic diseases and disabilities. What's worse, a significant number of those same women do not have access to needed services for preventive health care and quality of life issues such as parenting, life cycle changes, and combating and dealing with stress.

That's why in the fall of 2002 we adopted the Health Empowerment Tour, where we aim to:

  • Recognize and explore the challenges of maintaining a healthy mind, body and spirit
  • Identify and promote options for effectively coping with health issues and challenges
  • Provide a safe environment for women in the communities we serve

With this program, our primary goal is to improve health education and promote disease prevention for women in vulnerable communities.